Khushal Khan Khattak

By Henry George Raverty (written in 1862) Khushal Khan, the renowned chieftain of the powerful Afghan tribe of Khattak – alike a warrior and poet – was born in the year 1022 of the Hijrah (A.D 1613). Shahbaz Khan, his father, having received a wound in a battle with Yusufzis – one of the most … Read more

Authenticity of Pata Khazana in the eyes of Qalandar Mohmand

Qalandar Mohmand refers to Professor Shakoor Rashad and writes that  :  “The present shape of the letter “ځ” (zeem) of Pashto Alphabets , has been created by Wazir Muhammad Gul Khan Momand. This letter has been used in “Patta Khazana” and “Tazkirat-al-awlia” of Suleiman Mako. But as this letter has come into being after the … Read more

Jaji or Zazai tribe

The Jajis are believed to be the descendants of  Khogianaey son of Kodaey. They are settled in the valley of the Aryob, in the Paiwar Kotal area of Paktiya. In the early 19th century , they could muster about 5,000 armed men. They are divided into numerous smaller sections; there are 8 divisions, called “wands,” … Read more

Siah Posh ‘Kafirs’ of Kafiristan [Nuristan]

  Family of Kafiristan, 1827-1842. Illustrations by Imam Bakhsh Lahori for the memoirs of General Claude-Auguste Court (French general of Ranjit Singh), Lahore.     People of Kafiristan, c.1830-1840. From an album of paintings held in the British Library. Photo courtesy Farrukh Husain.   Several British authors claimed for the Siah-posh tribes Hellenic ancestry but … Read more

First Bahmani – Vijayanagar war (1362-1366)

In the early years of Sultan Muhammad Shah’s reign, in 1362 AD, Kanya Nayak of Tilangana joined forces with Bukka of Vijaynagar to wrest territories adjacent to Raichur and Mudgal as far as river Krishna from Bahmani sultanate. The Raye of Tilangana sent his son , Vinayek Dev, from Warangal with a large army consisting … Read more

Mughal emperor Shah Jahan and Pashtuns

Emperor Jahangir died in 1627 A.D and the same year prince Khurram became the emperor of Hindustan with the title of Shah Jahan. Soon after his becoming emperor, Shah Jahan received the news of Abdul Qadir’s revolt in Khyber and Tirah hills and of the humiliating defeat Muzaffar Khan, the ruler of Kabul at the … Read more

History of the Durrani tribe

Durrani tribe was known by the name of Abdali before the reign of Ahmad Shah Durrani. Abdal or Awdal, son of Tarin, is the progenitor of the Abdali tribe. Tradition claims that Abdal bore this surname because he had been in the service of one of the Abdal, who represent the fifth degree in the … Read more