Ataullah Khan Ozai‐Durrani conducting an experiment involving rice oil

Pashtun scientist
Ataullah Khan Ozai-Durrani (1897-1964) conducting an experiment involving rice oil. Source
Ataullah Khan Ozai‐Durrani (1897-1964) was an Afghan inventor and developer of a method with which rice can be cooked under a minute. General Foods Corporation bought the patent and marketed it under the name “Minute Rice.” This made Ozai-Durrani a millionare. He was born in Herat, Afghanistan in 1897 and had immigrated to the US in 1923. 
When the inventer died in 1964, he left half a million dollars to Harvard university specifially for the translation into English of the works of Mirza Ghalib and Mir Taqi Mir, two Urdu poets of India.
Also read this thread on twitter about him.

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