Amir Timur and Afghans

It appears from Babur Nama and Malfuzat-i-Timuri that Amir Timur was ninth in descent from Toman Khan, great-great-grandfather of Chingiz Khan [1].The real aim of his Indian expedition was only to plunder and loot the cities and collect its wealth. He never exercised the idea to subjugate permanently the throne of Delhi. During his campaign … Read more

Prangi tribe

The Prangi (پړانګي)  division of Lodis are descendants of Prangaey, son of Siarnaey, son of Lodi, son of Bibi Mato. Bahlul Lodi, the founder of Lodi dynasty of India, belonged to this tribe. Bahlol Lodi was eighth in lineal descent from Prangaey and belonged to the Shahu Khel clan of  Lodis. Initially were initially located in western … Read more

Baitani Pashtuns in medieval India

Initially Baitanis ot Batanis were settled on the western side of the Suleiman mountains. During the reign of Sikandar Lodi the tribe , en-mass, moved through Gomal pass to their present location, east of the Suleiman mountains. Most of the families went over to Hind and joined the Pashtun rulers and ‘jagirdars’ armies. The clans … Read more

History of Bannuchis

It will be convenient to adopt the simple style of narration in which the people themselves relate their story, and which would bear almost literal translation into idiomatic Pashto. Now when the abomination of idolatry had ceased in the land, it remained desolate for two hundred years, until, in the reign of Shahab-u-d Ghori, it … Read more

History of the Bangash tribe

Bangash is the name given to a number of Pashtun tribes, formerly estimated to amount to some 100,000 families, as well as to the tract of mountainous country which they held. This tract was once divided into Bala (Upper) and Pain (Lower) Bangash and was thence called the Bangashat (in the plural) or the two Bangash. … Read more

Anglo–Khajjak battle 1841

“Balochan-i-Marri bar koh minazand, wa mardumi Khajjak dar maidani goi shujaat mi rubayand” Translated from Persian in English language the- proverb will read as follows – “Marri Baloch are proud of their mountains whereas Khajjaks are proud of their bravery in the plain area. In 1839, Misri Khan Barozai, the head of the Panni tribe, … Read more

The death of Khan Jahan Lodhi

The Afghan Pir Khan Lodi, entitled Khan Jahan, rose to power under Jahangir and became one of his most esteemed amirs. In 1625 he was made governor of the Mughal territories in the Deccan. However, he endangered his position and reputation when he let himself be bribed by the Sultan of Ahmadnagar, the Nizam Shah … Read more