South or Humayun gate of Purana Qila in Delhi, constructed by a Lohani Pashtun

According to the Persian inscription on the site, South or Humayun gate of Purana Qila in Delhi was completed in the year 950 Hijri (1543) during the reign of Sher Shah Sur by the order of Ghazi Khan Lohani (Pashtun). Translation of the partially faded inscription: (1) ” The gate of the peaceful valley was completed … Read more

Its Luhani or Nuhani (لوحاڼي ) , not Lawani (لواڼي)

By Khan Barmazid Nuhani or Luhani Pashtuns are erroneously referred to as “Lawani” in modern Pashto literature of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Abdul Hai Habibi and Abdul Shakoor Rashad (and many others who have followed them) have confused Nuhanis/Luhanis (a branch of Lodis) with Lawanis (a branch of Miyanas). Khushal Khan Khattak calls them Luhani (لوحاني) … Read more

The Nuhani dynasty of Bihar

Nuhanis are descended from Isu Khan son of Ismael son of Siani son of Lodi, according to the traditional history. He is said to have been commonly known as Nuh or Nuhan , and his descendants came to be known as Nuhani. They are also known as Lohanis which is corruption of word Nuhani. Nuhanis … Read more

The longest lasting Afghan dynasty in history : Lohanis of Jalore and Palanpur

The dynasty of Nuhani Afghans which held sway at Jalore (Rajasthan, India) for nearly three hundred years, and which, after session of this town and district to Marwar by Aurangzeb in 1697, transferred its capital to Palanpur (Gujarat, India) where it ruled till 1947. By virtue of its an uninterrupted rule extending over five centuries … Read more

Ancestral village of Sher Shah Sur in Pakhtunkhwa

Sher Shah’s father name was Hasan and they belonged to the Shera Khel sept of the Sur tribe [1] which was located in the present-day Dera Ismail Khan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. Sher Shah’s grandfather Ibrahim Khan was a horse-dealer in his native country. He migrated to India along with his son … Read more