Collaboration of Hazaras with British invaders during the Second Anglo-Afghan War

Hazaras, like other Shias of Afghanistan, welcomed the British invaders during the First Anglo-Afghan war in their sectarian hatred for Sunni Pashtuns. There did not appear to be repercussions for them for collaborating with British invaders in the First Anglo-Afghan war. However, in Second Anglo-Afghan war, their enmity with Pashtuns turned very dark and ugly. … Read more

Wardak tribe

Wardak (or Wardag) are Karlanri Pashtuns who mainly live in the Wardak province of Afghanistan. They are said to be descended from the Sayyid Muhammad-i-Gisu-Daraz, or “of the long locks”, who among his four legal wives, married a daughter of Karlanraey , which wife bore him two sons, Honaey and Wardak. Like the other two … Read more