Maiwand and Malalai – Afghanistan’s lady liberty destroy the British army on 27 July 1880

By Farrukh Husain Professor M H Hassan travelled to Pakistan to meet with Colonel Effendi a descendant of the Victor of Maiwand, Sirdar Mohammed Ayub Khan. The Colonel provided the good Professor with a book by his uncle, Sirdar M A K Effendi who was the eldest son of the Victor of Maiwand. The dear … Read more

The account of two 19th century paintings

In October 1879 Major-General Frederick Roberts found an Afghan painting in Amir Sher Ali’s palace in Kabul showing a mounted Afghan sardar riding alongside a running British solider and a dog. This painting was made by an Afghan artist and was painted around the time of the First Afghan War (1838-1842) for an unknown Afghan … Read more

Collaboration of Hazaras with British invaders during the Second Anglo-Afghan War

Hazaras, like other Shias of Afghanistan, welcomed the British invaders during the First Anglo-Afghan war in their sectarian hatred for Sunni Pashtuns. There did not appear to be repercussions for them for collaborating with British invaders in the First Anglo-Afghan war. However, in Second Anglo-Afghan war, their enmity with Pashtuns turned very dark and ugly. … Read more

The British practice of burning the dead bodies of Pashtun Ghazis

Burning the body of a Ghazi assassin outside the Peshawar Gate, Jalalabad, Afghanistan, Second Anglo-Afghan War, illustration from the magazine The Graphic , volume XIX, no 480, February 8, 1879 1890: Zhob expedition ; “This morning punishment by hanging was meted out to a Ghazi at Apozai. It appears that, having said his prayers, he … Read more

Battle of Maiwand

  On July 27, 1880, Mohammad Ayub Khan, fifth son of Amir Sher Ali, decisively defeated a British force under Brigadier G. R. S Burrows in open battle at Maiwand, near Qandahar. It was one of the few instances in the 19th century of an Asian power defeating a Western one. Of the 2,476 British … Read more

Shinwari tribe

Shinwaraey was the son of Kasi. It is not known when they got separated from the parent tribe. Notwithstanding, their genetic link with the Kasis, they are known as an independent tribe. In sixteenth century, they along with the Ghoria Khels moved eastwards and ousted the Gigyanis, Tarklanris, and Muhammadzai from Ningarhar. In Afghanistan where … Read more