In 19th century some Tajiks often forayed into Hazarajat, captured Hazaras as slaves and sold them to Uzbeks

In 19th century some Tajiks often forayed into Hazarajat, captured Hazaras as slaves and sold them to Uzbeks.  James Atkinson in 1843 writes : “The term Tajuk is applied to all people of Afghanistan, whose vernacular language is Persian. They reside in villages and are essentially cultivators, never leaving a pastoral life. In general they … Read more

The people of Panjshir and Andarab were tributary to Siah Posh Kafirs in medieval times

In 14th century the people of Panjshir and Andarab were raided and bullied by Siah Posh (black-clad) people of “Kafiristan” (present-day Nuristan). Siah-Posh “Kafirs” exacted annual tribute from the Muslims of these regions. Upon failure to pay the tribute, the Siah Poshan would slay the men, and enslave their women and children. When Amir Timur … Read more