Interesting historical tidbits about Sher Shah Sur

 1- I will start by pointing out that the correct spelling of Sher Shah’s tribal surname is Sur (سور), not Suri (سوري). This error was originally made by early European writers and repeated by others. In all the pre-modern inscriptions and sources, the nisba of Sher Shah is written as Sur. It is also spelled as … Read more

History of the Niazi tribe

The earliest work which provides the details about origin of Niazis is Makhzani-i-Afghani (1610 AD), written by Naimatullah under the patronage of Khan Jahan Lodi, an Afghan noble of Mughal emperor Jahangir. Makhzan-i-Afghani gives the genealogy of Niazi tribe as follow: “To Lodi, God Almighty gave three sons, Niazi, Siani, and Dotani.Niazi had three sons, … Read more