Umra Khan of Jandul and fairies of the Kumrat valley

Umra Khan of Jandul and fairies of the Kumrat valley In the last quarter of 19th century, Umra Khan of Jandul, a Pashtun chieftain, garnered fame in the northern districts of Pakhtunkhwa, who had the ability and talent to found a sizable kingdom. He belonged to the Jandul area of present-day Lower Dir district of … Read more

Umra Khan of Jandul and a case of blasphemy

In late 19th century, Umra Khan of Jandul (now located in Lower Dir district of KPK) was gaining tremendous power and influence. The growing power of Umra Khan was alarming and worrisome for not only the ‘Khans’ of surrounding regions but also for Amir Abdur Rahman, the ruler of the Kabul kingdom. Amir Abdur Rahman … Read more