Usman Khan (Shah Shuja’s Wazir)

Sketch of Usman Khan (a Kamran Khel Saddozai), from London Illustrated News, dated to December 18, 1858.  Usman Khan served as Grand Wazir of Shah Shuja in 1840-1842. He fled to Peshawar after the Anglo-Afghan war and joined the British. He fought on the side of British in Second Anglo-Sikh war (1848-1849) and was stationed … Read more

History of the Tanoli tribe of Hazara

Majority of the Tanolis (or Tanaolis) insist on being of Pashtun origin but their rulers have accounted themselves to be of Barlas Mughal origin. Tanoli or Tanawali is actually an adjective denoting their abode Tanawal. They are divided into two divisions, Pul-Al and Hando-Al, the former occupies Lower Tunawal, and the latter occupy Upper Tunawal … Read more