Ancestral village of Bahlul Lodi in Pakhtunkhwa

According to Ain-i-Akbari, Malik Bahram, the grandfather of Sultan Bahlul Lodi, belonged to the region/town of Bilot (marked in the map). Abul Fazal, (the author of Ain-i-Akbari) had most likely acquired this info from Tarikh-i-Ibrahim Shahi, the official history of Lodis, which is no longer extant.   Bilot is located in Dera Ismail Khan district of … Read more

Shaikh Badin hills

  Shaikh Badin is referred to as Shin Ghar or ghund by locals. Its crest divides the districts of Lakki Marwat and Dera Ismail Khan. It rises abruptly to a height of 4,516 feet. This range is mostly composed of soft sandstone, and is rapidly disintegrating. Surface soil of southern Marwat has been formed by … Read more

History of the Storyani or Ustrana tribe

Ustrana tribesmen, 1861. From Watson and Kaye’s collection      Snippets of the description given along with the photograph; “The Oosteranees are Soonnee Mahomedans, and display no peculiarities to distinguish them from other frontier Mahomedan tribes and clans. They have, however, a high local reputation for valour, and, armed with sword and shield, are considered … Read more

Ancestral village of Sher Shah Sur in Pakhtunkhwa

Sher Shah’s father name was Hasan and they belonged to the Shera Khel sept of the Sur tribe [1] which was located in the present-day Dera Ismail Khan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. Sher Shah’s grandfather Ibrahim Khan was a horse-dealer in his native country. He migrated to India along with his son … Read more