Guru Nanak was storekeeper of the Daulat Khan Lodi’s grain before 1526

Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, was a contemporary of Bahlul Lodi, Sikandar Lodi and Ibrahim Lodi. He served as storekeeper of the Daulat Khan Lodi’s grain before 1526. The author of Dabistan-i-Mazahib (written in 1655), writes:  “Nanak was a Bedi, and the Bedis are a sub-caste of the Khatris. He acquired repute during the reign of … Read more

Ancestral village of Bahlul Lodi in Pakhtunkhwa

According to Ain-i-Akbari, Malik Bahram, the grandfather of Sultan Bahlul Lodi, belonged to the region/town of Bilot (marked in the map). Abul Fazal, (the author of Ain-i-Akbari) had most likely acquired this info from Tarikh-i-Ibrahim Shahi, the official history of Lodis, which is no longer extant.   Bilot is located in Dera Ismail Khan district of … Read more

Alam Khan Lodi (Sultan Alauddin Alam Shah)

(by Dr.A.Haleem, Excerpt from “Proceedings of All Pakistan history conference, 1951,  page-218 to 223) Alam Khan Lodi, son of Sultan Bahlol Lodi, was holding at the latter’s death in 1489 AD, the governorship of the pargana of Rapri (Mainpuri district, U.P) and Chandwar (near Firuzabad town, Agra district, on the Jamuna bank). The Bahluli nobles arraying themselves … Read more