The humiliating defeat of Hari Singh Nalwa at the hands of Mashwanis and Saidkhanis

The following account of the humiliating defeat of Hari Singh Nalwa at the hands of Mashwanis and Said Khanis is drawn from (1) an eyewitness account “Tawarikh-i-Hazara” by Lala Mehtab Singh (written in 1846); the extracts from which are translated into Urdu by Sher Bahadur Khan Panni in his book “Tarikh-i-Hazara” (pp.56-59). Mehtab Singh was … Read more

Mashwani tribe of Pashtuns

Members of the Mashwani tribe are said to be descendants of Sayyid Muhammad-i-Gisu Daraz by a Kakar woman. According to Makhzan-i-Afghani they were originally Sayyids but being brought up in the tribe of their mother, they were called Afghans. The author of Makhzan-i-Afghani (circa 1610) says that they and other descendants of Gisu Daraz are … Read more