A Turkoman who killed more than one thousand Pashtuns by boiling them alive in large cauldrons

In 1610s, the Mughal governor of Siwi fort (i.e. Sibi fort in modern Baluchistan, Pakistan) killed more than one thousand Pashtuns by boiling them alive in large cauldrons to create awe and terror in the hearts of the unruly population. The name of that Mughal officer was Quje Ali and and he was a Turkoman … Read more

Malik Jiwan Panni – the Pashtun who betrayed Dara Shikoh to Aurangzeb

Junaid Khan alias Jiwan (‘Gion’ of Berniers) was son of Baru Khan Panni, chief of Dhadar (Bolan district). According to François Bernier (1620 – 1688), Gion Kan i.e Jiwan Khan Panni of Dhadar was sentenced to death on two occasions by Emperor Shah Jahan for rebellions against Mughals. On both occasions his life was saved … Read more

An account of a 16th century battle between Afghans and Rajputs

Numbers of the Parni tribe (of Pashtuns) migrated at an early period into India, where, from time to time, they have made a considerable figure; some during the time of Lodi sovereigns of Delhi, Sultan Bahlul, being the first Pashtun or Afghan who acquired sovereignty therein, and who, when surrounded by foes , and before … Read more

Khajjak tribe

According to Makhzan-i-Afghani of Naimatullah Haravi [composed in 1612 A.D], Khajak was one of the 18 sons of Panni, son of Dani, son of Ghurghusht. The Khajjaks and some of the Panni clans have been invariably mistaken by the British writers for the Kakars. Charles Masson turns the Khajjaks into a Baloch tribe. The Khajaks … Read more

The role of Panni Pashtuns in Indian history

A great number of the Pashtuns belonging to Panni tribe from present-day Baluchistan [1] migrated at an early period to India, where from time to time, they have made themselves conspicuous under various dynasties and rulers. Farid-ud-Din Ahmad furnishes more information on the Pannis in “Risalat-ul-Ansab Afghaniah”, wherein he writes; “This is the account of Ghurghushtis. Of … Read more

Zarkuns of Kohlu and Loralai

The lineage of Zarkuns is obscure, however, all the evidence leads to their Pashtun origin. The clan is divided into three sub clans, namely, Ghunji , Pirozi, and Sharawani [1]. Zarkuns are offshoots of original Panni stock [2]. According to the District Gazetteers, Zarkuns have features that more closely resemble the Marri than any egalitarian … Read more