Nawabs of Maler Kotla

The rulers of Maler Kotla (now in Punjab state of India) were descendants of a Pashtun saint belonging to Sarwani tribe who migrated to and settled in India during the times of Sultan Bahlul Lodi. Shaikh Sadruddin is said to have received a gift of 68 villages near Ludhiana in 1454 AD when he married … Read more

Khwaja Khizr Khan Sarwani

Mausoleum of Khwaja Khizr Sarwani (Sonipat, Haryana, India)   Khwaja Khizr Khan Sarwani was a Pashtun of saintly reputation who was governor of Sonipat (Haryana state, India) during the during the reign of Sultan Ibrahim Lodi (1517-1526 AD). He is buried in Sonipat in a magnificent Mausoleum which was constructed during the reign of Sultan … Read more

Dattu Sarwani, a Pashtun soldier of early 16th century

Dattu Sarwani was a soldier in the service of Masnad-i-Ali Isa Khan Sarwani during the reign of Sultan Ibrahim Lodi. When the latter was defeated by Babur at the battlefield of Panipat in 1526, Dattu Sarwani accompanied his fellow clansmen to Bihar. In 1528 Dattu was part of the army led by Mahmud Khan Lodi … Read more

History of the Sarwani tribe

Sarwani Pashtuns (corrupted into ‘Sherwani’ in India) are descendants of Sarwanaey, son of Shah Hussain Ghori, by his second wife Bibi Mahi who was daughter of a servant of Shaikh Batan. Descendants of Sarwanaey were brought up by Bibi Mato and are also grouped under the general name of Mati tribes. Out of Shah Hussain’s … Read more