Its Luhani or Nuhani (لوحاڼي ) , not Lawani (لواڼي)

By Khan Barmazid Nuhani or Luhani Pashtuns are erroneously referred to as “Lawani” in modern Pashto literature of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Abdul Hai Habibi and Abdul Shakoor Rashad (and many others who have followed them) have confused Nuhanis/Luhanis (a branch of Lodis) with Lawanis (a branch of Miyanas). Khushal Khan Khattak calls them Luhani (لوحاني) … Read more

Desecration of Pir Roshan’s grave and dead body

Bayazid Ansari (Pir Roshan) died in 1572 AD. Bayazid was followed by his eldest son, Shaikh Umar. Akhund Darweza , along with his followers, continued his opposition, even after the death of Bayazid. He instigated the Gujjars (The Yousafzai’s ‘hamsaya’) against Shaikh Umar. The Gujjars dug out the dead body of Bayazid. Shaikh Umar got timely information and … Read more

History of Bala Hissar (Peshawar)

Bala Hissar means high fort in Persian. There are several other forts which are also named Bala Hissar. It is unknown as to when the Bala Hissar of Peshawar was erected. Chinese pilgrim, Hiuen Tsang makes a reference to it in 7th century AD when he uses the term “Kung shing” in the description of … Read more

History of Pir Roshan (Bayazid Ansari)

The real name of Pir Roshan was Bayazid Ansari. He was born in Pashtun-ruled Jalandhar (East Punjab, India) in 1524-25 AD. His family was living in both Kaniguram (in modern South Waziristan) and Jalandhar. He has been variously described as an Ormur and Ansari. His father Abdullah was a learned man and was a Qazi … Read more

The perilous and painful march of Man Singh Kachwaha through Khyber Pass

In 1586 Mohmands and other Ghoria-Khels acknowledged Jalala (son of Pir Roshan) as their leader and rose in revolt against Mughals. They invested the Bala Hissar of Peshawar. Sayyid Hamid, who was faujdar of Peshawar, sallied forth from the fort and engaged in combat with Ghoria Khels but he got killed.  Raja Man Singh, the celebrated general … Read more